Jörg-Henning von Winterfeld
Data for communication
Rechtsanwalt Jörg-Henning von Winterfeld
Deutschherrenstr. 46, D - 53177 Bonn
Phone: + 49 (0) 228 / 902 99 785
e-mail: anwalt[at]vonwinterfeld-ius.de
Confidentiality and the use of e-mail and telefax ( Warning ! )
To reduce the risk of unwanted disclosure of confidential information to parties
other than the addressee, communication per e-mail should be avoided and
regular mail chosen as means of conveyance of documents with such content
The same applies to the use of telefax. If contact to the law-office is established
via non-secure e-mail or by the the use of telefax, we assume that you consent to
communication with you in the same manner until we are instructed otherwise.
P.S.: Please ! Do not send original documents, unless you are explicitly asked to!
Use copies of them instead !
Legal Notices
Lawyer-client relationship
A lawyer-client relationship will not arise from the mere receipt of a request
for legal counseling or representation made via telephone, letter, telefax or e-
mail. Only the explicit acceptance of the request by Rechtsanwalt Jörg-H.
von Winterfeld will establish such a relationship, especially since the facts of
the issue have to be reviewed on a possible conflict of interests first. By law,
lawyers are prohibited to represent conflicting interests (§ 43 a (4) BRAO/
Federal Lawyers Act).
Purpose of the website & disclaimer
1. The website and the contents presented on it serve informational purposes
only and are not meant to be legal advice and cannot replace such advice.
2. Therefore Rechtsanwalt Jörg-Henning von Winterfeld does not assume re-
sponsibility for correctness, actuality or comprehensiveness of the infor-
mation provided nor will any liability for losses due to use or non-use of it
be accepted. Liability for premeditation or gross negligence remains un-
affected by this disclaimer.
Disclaimer for references (Links)
Rechtsanwalt Jörg-Henning von Winterfeld declines any liability for the contents
of external sites that are linked or refered to from or to this site. The operators of
those external sites are responsible for the contents.
1. Design and layout of this website, the graphics, text and photographs used
on it as well as the logo of the law office are subject to copyright law.
2. Any use of copyright-protected contents of this website that is not authorized
by applicable copyright law requires prior written consent by the rightholder.
A. Design, layout, graphics, text, logo
© Jörg-Henning von Winterfeld (J-HvW)
B. Photographs
1. RAJ-HvWKanzleiLOGO2528.jpg
2. vonWinterfeld - IUS-Brief.jpg
Nos. 1 - 2 © Jörg-Henning von Winterfeld(J-HvW)
C. Third Party Photographs
D. Shapes traced from Third Party Photographs
Person: darkedinburgh_thematrix.jpg © hotblack (Scott M. Liddell)
source: www.morguefile.com/archive/display/872196 Reference id: 872196
(Use pursuant to MorgueFile free photo license)
(Legal Notices regarding the lawyer-client relationship, the purpose of the
website, disclaimers, copyrights)